MAGIC is a project which aims to prevent gendered Islamophobia in Spain and in Belgium, in particular in media outlets, and to draw lessons useful for other European countries. It is funded by the European Commission, within the framework of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) Programme.
In the span of two years MAGIC will work to map gender islamophobia in Belgian and Spanish newspapers with a twofold objective: to provide Muslim communities’ leaders, Muslim women, and CSOs working on diversity with skills and tools to recognise and stand against stereotypes against Muslim women in public narratives and to promote inclusiveness of Muslim voices in the media.
MAGIC will do so not only through training of journalists & capacity enhancement and promoting awareness campaigns but also by fostering knowledge, dialogue, and mutual cooperation among Muslim communities’ representatives, Muslim women, and CSOs and media practitioners.

Consortium members

The European Institute of the Mediterranean
A think tank based in Barcelona that specializes in Euro-Mediterranean relations, with 30 years’ experience.

Media Diversity Institute Global
MDIG is a non-profit organization, based in Brussels, which unlocks the power of media to lessen conflict, advance human rights and support a deeper public understanding of social diversity.

Fundación Al Fanar para el Conocimiento Árabe
Based in Madrid, it has a long track record of both working with Spanish media outlets and engaging with combating anti-Muslim hatred.

Collectif contre l’Islamophobie en Belgique
A Brussels-based non-profit association that works with Muslim communities in Belgium against Islamophobia and to sensitize citizens about this form of racism.
Sister projects
Beyond Bonding & Bridging (BBB)
Safeguarding equal treatment, linking and integrating communities in a superdiverse society.
Be Hate-Free: Building Hate-Free Communities in LIithuania
Breaking silos, promoting youth-led intercommunal dialogue against xenophobia at local level
CapAcity buiLding anD awarEness Rising to prevent and counter intolerance in Latvia
Champions of Human rights And Multipliers countering afroPhobia and afrophobic Speech
Community Policing Without Borders
Hate speech and disinformation – monitor, research and counteract
Capacity, community and coalition building for Jewish community leaders and activists to challenge xenophobia and promote inclusion
cHallenging And debuNkiNg Antisemitic mytHs
Other projects
Combating Islamophobia and supporting hate crime victims in Slovakia (SalamSK)
Tackling racism and xenophobia against Muslims and other refugees/migrants in Slovakia
Fem Resist. Women against Islamophobia
Focusing on empowering, supporting, and protecting Muslim women affected by manifestations of intolerance, in particular hate speech.
Empowering for Inclusion (E4I)
Working for the eradication of racism, xenophobia, and other forms of discrimination, and in particular in the fight against Islamophobia.
Empowering Muslim communities and namely young people, to make them aware of their rights.
Fighting hate speech, racism, and islamophobia.
Preventing Islamophobia directed at women and girls.
Monitoring, analysing and tackling Anti-Muslim hatred online
Theatre Tools for Islamophobia Prevention
Providing, supporting or creating contexts of debate to create another line to combat islamophobia.