Why you should join the Coalition of Muslim Women and Communities Against Gendered Islamophobia in Society?
The declaration highlights the importance of taking responsibility for making a tangible difference in the world, both inside and outside Europe, and prioritising issues such as Islamophobia, especially towards women. It stresses the need for individuals to be open to communication, debate and collaboration to effectively implement change, and encourages people to be visible and support each other in achieving their goals.
History is no longer just a thing of the past. People are actively shaping their history in the present for the future. They have the power to shape their destiny in the future by taking their fate into their own hands, and thus own the past, present and future. This means that people have the ability to determine their own futures by the action in the present, rather than being passive and simply accepting what has already happened in the past.
The delegates representing the Coalition of Muslim Women and Communities Against Gendered Islamophobia in Society, attending the Barcelona Ideas and Coalition Hub on the 21 and 22 November 2022 (Barcelona, Spain) call for:
- Working on adopting action plans on preventing and combating gendered Islamophobia in media;
- Compiling information on gendered Islamophobia by collecting data and ensuring that equality data is available;
- Creating an accessible archive and library to upload academic papers, projects or best practices on gendered Islamophobia;
- Helping to establish a common definition of gendered Islamophobia that considers structural and intersectional approaches and recognises specific discrimination against Muslim women;
- Engaging and providing support to civil society organizations (CSOs) by creating forums for expanding cooperation (MAGIC will provide European organisations working on gendered Islamophobia);
- Building networks, dialogue and cooperation among organisations, groups and communities of different religious and non-religious backgrounds;
- Accessing awareness campaigns and activities targeting the public that are working to prevent and combat gendered Islamophobia;
- Accessing materials and toolkits to train media professionals on inclusiveness and prevent gendered Islamophobia, and for organisations to stand against gendered Islamophobia.
- This coalition will serve as an exchange platform for organisations and media representatives that are interested in improving the content and substance of the MAGIC project.
In this respect, its future purposes will be to:
- Raise awareness in public narratives and promote the idea that preventing and combating gendered Islamophobia is the responsibility of all members of society and, more specifically, a key element of ethical journalism.
- Combat media disinformation.
- Promote inclusiveness of diverse Muslim voices in the media based on their expertise, etc.
- Provide materials and toolkits to train media circles in inclusiveness and prevention of gendered Islamophobia.
- Create an intersectional alliance for human rights.
This Declaration was adopted on 22 November 2022 in Barcelona, Spain.
Joining MAGIC
Up to 20 people have already signed the just launched Declaration to adhere to the MAGIC Coalition. These are some of the organisations: