A media training workshop was held in Brussels on 14th March which gathered 8 participants from diverse backgrounds in French-speaking Belgium, who share a common experience of facing racism and other forms of intersectional discrimination. The workshop was designed to enhance their skills in branding, pitching and podcast development, as podcasting is one of the main channels for materials produced by the campaign.
The participants hailed from various professional backgrounds, including students and civil society actors, and from different generations. The organisers aimed to support “past, present and future sisters” in their endeavours, and the diversity of the participants aligned with this goal.
Hanaë Bossert, a podcast producer for Spotify France, coached the participants through the process of developing their own mission, vision, and branding strategy for their podcast. While most of the participants aimed to develop their own projects on gendered islamophobia for their organisations, others were interested in topics such as participative democracy and true crime. This breadth of interests highlights the wide-ranging concerns of Muslim women.