Shada Islam, the EU Observer Magazine Editor, has shared her views on the importance of the MAGIC project in today’s European Union, and the usefulness of the Report Diversity! Guidelines for journalists, produced in the framework of that project with her contributions, to approach issues such as racism, discrimination, and islamophobia.
In a video interview, Islam points out how important it is to call attention to and fight the discrimination and racism within the European Union, which go “against their core values”. The editor of the EU Observer Magazine alludes to the importance of the MAGIC project as “a tool to highlight the inconsistencies between the EU laws and treaties that aim to fight discrimination” and the persistence of intolerance in most societies due to lack of implementation.
Islam has not only been a contributor to the Report Diversity! Guidelines, along with Aidan White (ed.) and Mariam al Marakeshy, but she has also presented the report in some workshops held with journalism students in Belgian universities. In that sense, she considers that the Guidelines have the potential to be a tool of guidance and mentorship for young journalists and help them make society aware of these issues that may not be present in the daily life of most of them but are a root problem of our society that needs to be addressed to build a welcoming and equal society for all.