The MAGIC project is launching today two calls for participation:
- Youth Essay Contest
- Awareness raising campaigns.
Both calls are addressed to people and organisations in Spain (coordinated by IEMed) and in Belgium (coordinated by Collectif pour l’Inclusion et Contre l’Islamphobie en Belgique and Media Diversity Institute).
Youth Essay Contest
Essays must tackle the issue of gendered Islamophobia and stereotypes against Muslim women. Participation is open to young people, with a background in communication or journalism.
✓ The essays can be presented in Spanish, English, French or Dutch.
✓ The text should have a minimum of 1.000 words and cannot exceed 2.000 words.
✓ The essays must be sent in Word format to the following email address: The message must include the title of the work along with the author’s personal data: name, telephone number, postal address, email address, and date of birth.
✓ The selected works will be published on the MAGIC website in a digital format with the texts in the original language and their corresponding translation into English, French, and Spanish.
✓ The competition prize will be an invitation to attend the MAGIC Muslim Voices for Diversity Dialogue in Brussels, which will take place in February 2023.
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Friday 28th October 2022
Awareness raising campaigns
- WHO? Participation is open to all civil society organisations and/or individuals working in the field of anti-racism, diversity, inclusion, religious beliefs and gender
- WHAT? 6 Awareness raising campaigns on the issue of gendered Islamophobia and stereotypes against Muslim women. The campaigns can be presented in Spanish, English, French or Dutch
- WHERE? Campaigns can be online or offline (local/regional/national)
- WHEN? Campaigns will be implemented from October and will last for 3 months
- HOW? Each campaign will be financed for an amount up to 3.000 EUR (human resources fees are not covered)
- INTERESTED? Send an email to including the following details:
- Your name, the name of your organisation (if applicable);
- Your contact details (email address and phone number);
- General overview of your campaign;
- Planned activities;
- Expected results;
- (Social) media outreach;
- Foreseen budget.
- Those who developed the two best campaigns will be invited to present their campaign in Barcelona and Brussels, in the framework of the project. The event will also be the occasion to meet European experts (journalists, Muslim women community leaders…) and to benefit from their advice to fine-tune your campaign.
DEADLINE EXTENDED: Friday 28th October 2022